Berny Tan, curated by Kirti Upadhyaya. along the lines of, 2023.
Role of the Governing Board
The Board works with the Executive Director and key management personnel to lead and manage the Company. The Board provides guidance to the Leadership Team and delegates the formulation of policies and the day-to-day management to the Executive Director and key management personnel.
The Executive Director and key management personnel remain accountable to the Board.
The Board’s decision and approval is required for the following matters:
• Agree strategy and implementation plans
• Appoint, remunerate and assess the performance of the Executive Director
• Delegate authority for routine expenditure to the Executive Director and approve annual budgets
• Approve annual reports and financial statements
• Agree business procedures
• Approve processes of internal control
• Appoint or remove the company secretary to the Board
• Appoint or remove the auditors and the company’s legal advisors and any material or significant matter.
Board Induction & Training
All newly appointed Directors are briefed by the Executive Director on the operations and strategic plans of the Company to enable the Directors to discharge their duties effectively.
The Directors are encouraged to attend training programmes, seminars and workshops organised by professional bodies as and when necessary, to keep apprised of relevant new laws, regulations and changes in the charity landscape. The Company will, if necessary, organise briefing sessions or circulate memoranda to Directors to enable them to keep pace with these changes.
Board Composition & Membership
All the Directors are independent and do not receive any remuneration for the services to the Company. New appointments of Directors are recommended by Board members and are selected based on their skills, experience, knowledge, diversity, in terms of expertise.
There is a maximum term limit for the Board Treasurer of 4 consecutive years. Re-appointment to the Treasurer position can be considered after a lapse of at least two years.
It is worth noting that three of our Board members, Mabelin Yo Anderson, Audrey Png Hwee Hieh, and Kaori Kathleen Zage, have each served for over a decade. Their extended tenures have been pivotal in contributing their expertise, resources, and invaluable contributions to Art Outreach. Notably, Mabelin Yo Anderson assumed the role of Chair in 2006.
While our Board has demonstrated long-term commitment, they have remained dedicated to steering Art Outreach as a dynamic organization. This commitment is evident in our transition to the Intermediary Track under the Major Company Scheme in 2022, following nine years under the Presenting track. Under the guidance of our Board, Art Outreach consistently evaluates its mission and objectives in alignment with the evolving needs of the local art ecosystem, ensuring that our endeavors remain responsive to the changing landscape of the art community.
Access to Information
The Executive Director provides the Board with information considered necessary by the Board in discharging its responsibilities. This information includes background and other explanatory information relating to matters brought before the Board, annual reports, budgets and summarised quarterly management accounts highlighting material variances between actual results and budgets/forecast/past results.
Risk Management & Internal Controls
The Board has overall responsibility for the charity’s key risks to safeguard the charity’s interests and its assets. They have an oversight function, ensuring that processes are in place, adequate and effective in fulfilling the mission of Art Outreach. The Treasurer assists the Board in providing risk management oversight while the ownership of day-to-day management and monitoring of existing internal control systems are delegated to the Executive Director. In management and monitoring the internal control systems for financial matters, Art Outreach uses recommended guidelines provided by the National Arts Council’s Major Company Grant scheme.
Policy Statement and Practices
Code of Conduct
All Board members, staff and volunteers are expected to conduct and carry themselves in a professional manner while at work and to observe Art Outreach’s policies and procedures so as to promote a harmonious working relationship and a conducive working environment. As Board members, staff and volunteers are representatives of Art Outreach, they must practice honesty and integrity in fulfilling responsibilities and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
Conflict of Interest Policy Statement
Art Outreach has also put in place its Conflict of Interest Policy (COI) to protect the Organisation’s welfare and best interests over and above all priorities and objectives. The COI mandates that no staff or Board of Directors may engage in any external interest or business that may undermine or conflict with the Organisation’s overall welfare.
The COI and declaration form shall be given to the staff or Board of Directors at the earliest opportunity, such as upon his/her taking up of employment with or appointment in the Organisation or to the Board. Annual declaration of interests by members of key management personnel and the Board is required. He/ she will fully disclose to the Executive Director or the Board in the event a conflict of interest may arise.
Personal Data Protection Act Policy and Donor Confidentiality
Art Outreach respects and honours our sponsors, donors, partners, volunteers and clients; their right to be treated courteously, fairly and have their privacy protected. Art Outreach is committed to complying with the Personal Data Protection Act passed by the Singapore Government Parliament in October 2012. Personal information is given in good faith by sponsors, donors, partners, volunteers and clients and will only be used to maintain or enhance their relationship with Art Outreach. Sponsors, donors, partners, volunteers and clients can remove their name from mailing lists upon sending their requests to Art Outreach.
Art Outreach also maintains a high level of confidentiality with respect to donor information. Donors’ name or other details will not be published in any corporate collaterals or publications unless there is a partnership agreement between Art Outreach and the donor.
Art Outreach has put in place procedural, physical and electronic means to safeguard the personal information of our sponsors, donors, partners, volunteers and clients and will not rent, exchange or sell mailing lists of our sponsors, donors, partners, volunteers and clients to other organisations.
Sponsors, donors, partners, volunteers and clients’ information may be kept both in hard copy and/or electronic forms. In either case, Art Outreach has documented procedures to safeguard this information.
Safeguarding Statement
At Art Outreach, we are committed to safeguarding the welfare of all individuals who engage with our programmes, including children, underprivileged communities, artists, and the general public. We believe in creating safe, inclusive, and respectful environments where everyone feels supported and protected from harm.
Our safeguarding measures ensure that all staff, volunteers, and external collaborators adhere to the highest standards of professional conduct. We take proactive steps to prevent harm, abuse, or exploitation in all our activities, including workshops, exhibitions, and community programmes.
If you have any concerns about safeguarding or wish to report an issue, please submit through our contact form.
We are dedicated to maintaining the safety and well-being of everyone who interacts with Art Outreach.
Volunteer Policy
Art Outreach deeply values the contributions of our volunteers. To learn more about our volunteer programme, including roles, expectations, and recognition, please refer to our full Volunteer Policy document.
Whistle Blowing Policy
Art Outreach aims to provide an avenue for employees and external parties to raise concerns and offer them reassurance that they will be protected from reprisals or victimisation for whistle blowing in good faith. Whistle blowing is defined as a deliberate, voluntary disclosure of individual or organisational malpractice by a person who has or has had privileged access to data, events, or information about an actual, suspected, or anticipated wrongdoing within or by Art Outreach that is within its ability to control.
Financial Management and Internal Controls
Finance Controls
There are procedures in place for filing payments for documentation which will be verified and managed by an external bookkeeper on a monthly basis.
Limits of Approval
There is an annual review and and approved limits of payments by the board of directors for the Chairperson and the Finance Manager. Payments with amounts larger than the Finance Manager's limit will require the Chairperson to approve the transaction.
Reserves Policy
Art Outreach seeks to maintain a reserve of up to 12 months of operating costs. This is calculated to allow sufficient lead time for measures to be taken to find additional support for our key areas of work work, should anything happen to impact our existing income streams. The amount of reserves needed will be regularly reviewed by the Board of Directors to ensure they remain adequate to fulfil continuing obligations.
Art Outreach does not invest its reserves.
Unrestricted funds are dedicated to running our public programmes and operating expenses.
Restricted funds are reserved for staff salaries and banking fees.
2023 (Current)
S$ 981,557
S$ 108,367
S$ 430,000
Unrestricted Funds (Reserves)
Restricted Funds
Annual Operating Expenditure
Reserves Ratio
S$ 993,546
S$ 92,696
S$ 430,000
S$ 860,971
S$ 264,023
S$ 430,000